Sunday, December 30, 2007

Had drinks with Cindy at La Bodega, Bangsar this afternoon :) Great catching up again babe!

La Bodega, Bangsar

Then off to Julia's house to bake cupcakes! Julia is very fond of making cupcakes and I think she has a natural talent for it ;) Her cupcakes are all very pretty and yummy *hungry* So I played assistant to the great chef :P

We made macha (green tea) cupcakes with red bean filling! Hehe I love anything to do with green tea ;)

And so it was an evening of bakery and photography :P

Guess what's in here??!!

...Ta-daa~!~! Macha cupcakes!! :P

Steven and Phoebe's Wedding Ceremony

It was their wedding dinner last Friday, and today is the actual day where the traditional ceremony was held.
I spent the night at Phoebe's place.. just like the old times ;) We decorated the stairway with balloons and very beautiful ribbons.
Took a lot of pics of their wedding :)

The beautifully decorated stairway

Tong Yun - a symbol of unity

The bride's room


As early as 6.30am!

Phoebe and Sharon :)

Me, Phoebe and Sharon :)

Hey who's that superstar arriving in style??!

...ah there he is - the knight in shinning armor

The nervous but excited groom :P

The Declaration of Love

Steven declaring his undying love :)

... and bound by his words!

Phoebe eagerly waiting for her PRINCE

Phoebe, Steven and Phoebe's parents


Exchanging rings :)

The unity of their wedding bands



Mother and son in law :)

Maxine is simply adorable!!


Phoebe's niece and nephew

Steven is feeling lucky!!

For a slideshow of the above, go to: