Not wanting to run the risk of getting lost in Muar town which I'm not familiar with, I decided to drive down on Tuesday night itself straight after work. I only managed to leave office at about 7pm, and when I reached Muar it was about 9.30pm.
Jacey met me at a petrol station having given me the directions. So good to see her again after more than a year. Last I've been to Muar was October last year during Mei Ching's wedding. After dropping off my stuff at her house, we drove out to pick up Mei Ching for dinner cum supper. We sorta got lost around Mei Ching's housing area.. coz Jacey insisted she knew the way and refused to call. But at last she gave in.. coz it was getting LATE!
The 3 of us had quite a feast that night, I must say. I loved the noodles - never tasted such delicious one before!! We also had a vege dish, curry prawns and steamed asam fish.. oh YUMMY!! I absolutely loved the prawns.. but towards the end we just couldn't take in anymore. I felt so guilty eating sooo much at such ungodly hour, but well.. company was good :) How often do the 3 of us get to "re-unite" like this? It was fun!! However, it would be perfect had See Ling be there with us :( [See Ling is our other housemate, she's back in Penang now]
That night I stayed up rather late. After having read through my pile of files, it was already 3.30am! Yet I refused to sleep.. so had a chat with Jacey till like.. 5am!! It's like the good ol' days again back in uni.. when we used to chat till late night. Jacey is the kinda person whom you can talk your heart out - the good and bad ones. So she now knows my little secret! :P
Had to wake up early for court, and by the time I was done with court it was already past noon. Jacey drove me to Mei Ching's shop. I was very excited coz I was gonna see her 3-month-old BABY BOY! He's adorable - now I understand what Jacey meant that he's really BIG for a baby! He looks round and healthy.. I think Mei Ching and hubby over-fed him :P Here are the pics (yes I brought my new toy :P)
He has the "siu-yeh" look :P
Mei Ching and baby.. Jacey and baby.. Me and baby..

Father and son look-alike! Happy Family :) Mei Ching, Jacey, me and BB!
Father and son look-alike! Happy Family :) Mei Ching, Jacey, me and BB!
Mei Ching, Jacey and I went for lunch and feasted again.. Muar sure does have good food!! After lunch and dropping off Mei Ching, Jacey drove me back to the court for I had some work to do. It was raining heavily in the afternoon, so didn't get to take more pics, but here's one I took earlier in the day..
Jacey and I took a nap before we headed for dinner. We were so tired as we only slept for 3 hours! After dinner, it was time to bid farewell. It always feels heavy-hearted to say goodbye. I've had a good time though it was just for a day. If only See Ling was here too.. it would be THE perfect reunion! I was really tired from the lack of sleep and from all the driving, but it was worth every moment :)
Thanks Jacey and Mei Ching for everything, and special thanks for Jacey and family for letting me put up for the night.. can't thank you enough for spending the entire day (and night) with me :) Till we meet again... take good care!! *hugs*