Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Toy - 23.11.2007

This new toy of mine is a dSLR, and the model is Olympus E-510 with 14 - 42mm kit lens:

I've always loved photography. It's like an art, and can be quite an addictive one too! So I finally decided to take a step further from my ol' faithful - the HP R607 point-and-shoot digital cam I've owned for 2 and a half years now.. and invest in a dSLR. Not easy though, to get the settings right. A long journey to go... but everything starts somewhere.

...Here's to the beginning of my photography affair!! ;)

Me checking out my new toy!

I noticed every photographer would have a "reflection" shot taken before the mirror, with the (d)SLR... So here's mine! *ehem*

Note: Images of the Olympus E-510 are taken from

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