Well there was this photo I submitted for the publication of Malaysia 50 Years: The Commemorative Book some time last year. I got an email from them the same day asking for the location and a description of the photo, and how I came up with the title "A Stroll Down Memory Lane". I did reply, and that was the last I heard from them.. I thought.. oh well, probably it's not good enough for publication..
Ok fast forward to this present email from the Director of Quachee Enterprise - was asked to provide my h/p number as the courier service came by to deliver the book, but no one was in.. hmm I got a bit hopeful but dare not get my hopes too high :P
The book was finally delivered to my office last Friday. I flipped through the book and saw the photo I submitted there!! Though this humble shot of mine is nothing to shout about as compared to the rest of the brilliant captures by other contributors, it is very motivating and I definitely hope to improve my photography skills with time and experience :)
It is such a rewarding feeling, esp for a first-timer! :) :) :) I was totally thrilled by it.. it soooo made my day.. still does! *grins* What an honor to be part of this ;)
Hehe so excited I was that I even took a pic of it :)
The book: 50 +1 . malaysia - a showcase of places, food, people & love
The photo I submitted: A Stroll Down Memory Lane - pic taken within the vicinity of the famous Jonker Street, Malacca some time in May 2007.
The same is found in my picasa web album here: http://picasaweb.google.com/ashonova/Malacca
A kind acknowledgement from the Director of QuaChee Ent. :)
50 +1. malaysia is a comprehensive guide to everything a Malaysian needs to know; even more so a foreigner! Flipping through the colorful pages of the book reminds me of what a beautiful place Malaysia is with its unique characteristics that no other can replace. It also gave me more ideas as to where to go for photo-shooting.. hoping to explore all these places with friends and fellow photography enthusiasts.. not forgetting more food-hunting hehe!
A note of appreciation to the publisher for this fascinating book. Thank you for making us Malaysians proud of our country and our roots. It is a remarkable effort indeed!
For further info on the publisher, please go to: http://www.quachee.com/.