...pics taken on my camera phone.. not properly equipped :(
In front of the Palace of Justice

The 3.5km ‘Walk for Justice’, organized by the Malaysian Bar, was intended to urge the setting up of a royal commission of enquiry on the video scandal evidencing the telephone conversation of prominent lawyer VK Lingam, which revolves around the promotion of the judiciary top posts.
Bar Council President, Ambiga Sreenevasan:
"When lawyers walk, something must be wrong."

Members of the Bar who came in chartered buses from Dataran Merdeka were stopped by the police from making their way to the Palace of Justice. Undeterred by the abrupt change in circumstances, they walked from the police block (not far from the entrance to Putrajaya) right to the Palace of Justice. The Walk, which was scheduled to start at 11am, was put off until 12pm, as all were waiting for the arrival of these lawyers who had to make their way on foot. All who were already gathered in front of the Palace of Justice cheered upon sighting of their arrival :) :) I suppose things like that don't really dampen your spirits, it only adds on fire to it!!

At about 12pm, everyone was in high spirits and ready for the march. The Walk from the Palace of Justice to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s office was participated by a strong crowd of 2,000 lawyers and members of the public. I must say it was indeed quite a scene!!

In front of the PM's office
It started pouring shortly past 12.30pm, and everyone ran for shelter. Luckily I received a phonecall from Chun Ming at that time, who called just in time for rescue. Apparently his car was parked nearby and he offered us a ride to the car.
We were wet, but not drenched.. I had to rush over to the KL Court for a matter in the afternoon anyway. We left at about 1pm. Am glad to be part of this historic event (at least it is so in the legal profession :P)
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